Mermaids and Unicorns in the Bible
What does the Bible say about mermaids? Are mermaids in the Bible? Introduction Fascinating magical creatures and imaginary beings like mermaids and unicorns made many of us giggle with wonder …
What does the Bible say about mermaids? Are mermaids in the Bible? Introduction Fascinating magical creatures and imaginary beings like mermaids and unicorns made many of us giggle with wonder …
What do peaches symbolize in the Bible? Introduction The Bible uses fruits in different passages to discuss spiritual lessons and principles. One of these fruits is the peach. Peaches are …
What does the Bible say about abandoning your child? Introduction God desires every child grow up in an ideal family, under the care of the father and mother. God is …
What is the biblical meaning of finding pennies? Introduction Different cultures have attached diverse meanings to finding pennies or money. The Bible also attaches unique spiritual meanings to finding pennies. …
What does the Bible say about rain on your wedding day? Many couples dream of having a perfect outdoor wedding in a beautiful and serene garden facing the ocean, with …
What is the biblical meaning of seeing a praying mantis? Introduction God is wonderful and unpredictable. He uses different ways to speak to His children and reveal Himself and His …
What is the spiritual meaning of a broken rosary? Introduction As a gun is to the military, so is a rosary to the Catholic Church. Hardly will you see a …
Who was Atticus in the Bible? Introduction The Bible comprises many significant figures. Most are well known because of how frequently their names and what they did appeared on the …
Fox in the Bible – what does a fox represent in the Bible? Introduction Several verses in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible made references to fox. Samson, …
Which is the only dog breed mentioned by name in the bible? Introduction The Bible references dogs in several passages in the Old and New Testaments. However, only one dog …