Is it a sin to highlight in the Bible?
One common practice among avid readers is the act of highlighting certain words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs in the book they are reading.
They do that for different reasons.
Some readers highlight certain pages of a book because it picks their interest for further study, research purposes, or to aid retention.
Some Christians practice this same act.
They use pens and markers to strike, paint and mark portions of the scripture during Bible study. However, many Christians argue that highlighting the Holy Scripture, considered God’s sacred Word is wrong and even sinful.
One of the scriptures they use to back up their argument against highlighting the scripture is the warning in Revelation 22:18, “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book.”
So, their position about highlighting Bible verses might come from a place of love and concern.
So, why do people highlight some portion of the Bible?
To enhance memory
Some Christians highlight important passages in the Bible to help them remember them better.
This is because it is easier to recall verses that have been emphasized and visually stand out on the page instead of spending time flipping through Bible passages.
The Bible is a large book consisting of a total of 1,189 chapters and 23,145 verses.
Highlighting verses that resonate with you helps you filter through the Bible and store up God’s promises that you need at a particular time of your life.
To focus
You can create a personalized roadmap for your faith journey by highlighting meaningful or relevant verses to your life.
This can help you focus on specific themes or topics as you read the Bible.
For example, if you want to focus on faith, highlighting the scripture will help you laser-focus on the subject and eliminate distractions or topics that are not relevant.
For organization
Highlighting can help you organize your notes and insights as you study the Bible.
You can use different colors to represent different themes or ideas, making it easier to navigate and revisit your notes in the future.
For insight
When you highlight passages, you may notice patterns or connections between different parts of the Bible that you might not have seen otherwise.
This can lead to deeper insights and a richer understanding of the text.
Doing this can help you engage in deeper Bible study and research about a topic, person, or theme.
To share
If you choose to share your Bible with others, highlighting can help draw their attention to key passages or insights you want to share with them.
It can also spark conversations and discussions about different interpretations and perspectives.
Is it a sin to highlight verses in the Bible?
Based on the explanations above, highlighting the Bible is not a sin. However, the intention behind the act can determine if it’s a sin. The Bible warns about the distortion of the truth in the Bible in 2 Peter 3:16-17. These people will experience God’s judgment (Revelation 22:18).
Therefore, highlighting the Bible becomes a sin if the purpose is to distort the truth and mislead people.
Other reasons to consider when discussing highlighting the Bible include the following:
Defacing the Bible
Another reason highlighting the Bible will be a sin is when a person deliberately defaces it.
When a person uses the blank spaces in the Bible to write irrelevant things or personal notes not connected to God’s Word, they have sinned. God’s Word is sacred and must not be used as a notebook or journal.
Anything written on it must aid in understanding God’s Word or enhance memory.
READ MORE: Who is God Talking To in Genesis 1:26?
Joshua 1:8 and 2 Timothy 2:15 instructions
Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” 2
Timothy 2:15, on the other hand, says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Two keywords to consider about reading the Bible that can be related to highlighting Bible passages are “meditate” in Joshua 1:8 and “study” in 2 Timothy 2:15.
These two words are contained in the instructions given to believers about engaging God’s Word.
The truth is that you cannot study or meditate on God’s Word by taking notes or highlighting scriptures.
That is what distinguishes Bible study from skimming.
As such, it is okay to say the Bible encourages taking notes and highlighting Bible passages for the purpose of study and meditation.
READ MORE: Why was Matthew 17:21 removed?
There are highlights and notes in the Bible
We must note that the Bible was not exactly broken into verses and chapters in the beginning.
The original copies of the Bible are manuscripts compiled and structured into what we have.
The Bible has also gone through different revisions, as we can see new editions being produced consistently.
Some Bible versions, like Study Bibles, contain commentary and references to offer more precise and in-depth explanations of certain verses of the Bible.
These commentaries are opinions of the publishers and Bible scholars and were not originally part of the Bible. However, these additions aim to aid understanding and share insights.
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